Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Yea! Woo! Hooh!

Well tomorrow is the big Ski day! Woo! Hooh! I am looking forward to it.
Even though it is only suppose to be 5 Degree’s that day! Brrrr!
So, for the people who are going, don’t forget to bring your coats gloves hats! Or anything else important, for if you do forget! Then you…
Well! I guess that is your decision. ;)
So have fun getting ready.
I'm Looking forward to seeing you Ski buddy’s tomorrow.
Bright and early!
(Or shall I say Dark and early!)
God bless all, even the non skiers!!
Rachel! ;)


Anonymous said...

Cold cold cold. Brrr... my Mom is making Andrew and I wear like 55 articles of clothing (at least, it seems so ;)... but I still can't wait! ;)

I hope it is as good as Boyne. And just for the record, I am an awful skier, so expect me to knocking lots of peoples down. :D

See you all in 13 (or so) hours!
