Monday, March 23, 2009

My 50

I've been tagged by, Ryan Cooper.

1. I am a child of God’s; I love the Lord with all my heart.

2. I love my family and thank God for giving them to me.

3. I play the violin.

4. My eyes are blue.

5. I like to compete; sometimes I get so involved in the game that I stop at almost, nothing. I’ve gotten hurt pretty bad before, from playing to rough, all in the name of winning. Then I think of how dumb that was afterwards, while I’m tending my wounds!!

6. I like high intensive at the edge of your seat, stories.

7. I love camping.

8. I’ve been to 26 states.

9. My favorite breed of dog, German Shepard.

10. My favorite season is summer!

11. I want to go to Mexico, My dad went there on a mission trip once, and I’ve wanted to go there ever since. ( on a mission trip)

12. I’m going to play Volleyball even when I’m old and grey!! Maybe by then I’ll be able to spike!!!

13. I like just about any sport!! That I am capable of playing, of course.

14. I like to sing.

15. I like pizza, one of the main reasons for this is, it has the power to keep people together longer. Example: Sunday evening for instance, When everyone contemplates leaving, One might shout *PIZZA* it usually works! Lol

16. I have an interest in world war two times, I’m lousy with dates, but know SOME facts.

17. I always like it when a bit of adventure enters my day!

18. I’m kind of crazy!

19. Nobody ever believes me when I tell them how old I am, they always guess me to be about 14-16

20. Now I’m not one to scream every time I see a bug, but I hate box elder bugs. They stalk me I’m not kidding; they just give me the creeps. I have stories on why they do, but I won’t go into all of that.

21. I like to be Happy, but must confess. My attitude is not always pleasing to God. But when I do confess things to God and repent, I feel clean! And I have every reason to be happy!! Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands, serve the Lord with gladness, come before his presents with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God! It is he that hath made us and not we ourselves. We are his people and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise, be thankful unto him and bless his name!! For the Lord is good, his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth through all generations!!!

22. I have some very awesome Parent’s

23. I think it would be fun to go river rafting.

24. I like to tease, and have to be careful, because I sometimes get teasing and sarcasm a little mixed up. That is not always good!

25. I like to go on group bike rides.

26. I like coffee.

27.I’m not too crazy about shopping I like to go in, get what I need and get out. None of this browsing stuff.

28. Once I was a two year old!

29. I think I’m going hunting this year!!!

30. I Thank God for all the godly friends he has blessed me with.

31. I like to cook.

32. I know something you don’t!! hehehe

33.I have a cool sister, Charity

34. I have a cool sister, Leah

35. I have a cool sister, Hannah

36.I have a cool sister, Abigail

37. I have a cool sister, Victoria

38. I have a cool sister, Sarah

39. I have a cool brother Lemuel.

40. And I have some really cool adopted brothers and sisters too!!

41. Back in 2007 I had an awesome experience. Towards the end of summer, my sisters and I were out side in the back yard playing volley ball. Having a good time, but that quickly changed when something flew inside my ear and stung it! I had no clue what it was, a strong pain shot from my ear down to my neck, my hearing dropped right away, it was really scary. I took of running up the hill scared to death. What was going on? My hearing was leaving, my ear was swelling. I cried out to God, "God help me!!" He did comfort me, and show me that I had some unconfessed sin in my life, so I took care of it, hoping that he would heal me now.

Well… I had problems with my ears for months after this.Yes, I was doing things for them, I got them checked out and all. But I had a really bad ear infection, and I was not trusting God at all. I would fear like crazy that I would lose my hearing. To make a long story short.... Here is my highlight! Of 2007. One night I was walking upstairs to my bedroom, when all the sudden my hearing dropped way low. I thought this was it, this was the hour I would go deaf. I cried out to God asking him help me. I was out of control with fear. everybody was sleeping, so I did not cry out in an audible voice.

God told me that I did not trust him and that I was letting this fear control me.

I realized that, for I was not at peace. That night I asked God to forgive me, for not putting my trust in him, and this time it was sincere. Guess what?! God forgave me! And I was delivered from the bondage of fear. I did not fear that I was going deaf. I was at peace, I could think of nothing but of how Wonderful Jesus is. That very night Jesus healed my ears they got very warm and then I started to get my hearing back, it felt great!! I could hear! Praise God! As I was praising the Lord I looked up at the skylight above my bed. Everything was a calm peaceful black sky. Jesus told me “It is finished”

There is more to this story, but it is kind of long and I did not even plan on writing this much.

42. I like hiking.

43. I like canoeing.

44.I like running.

45. I work for my dad.

46. I really like out west.

47. I like to be outdoors.

48. I am running out of things to say!

49. I thank God for his patience with me and for his unyielding, undying love he has for me. Jesus will never leave me nor forsake me. He sticks closer than a brother.

50. The only reason I’m alive today, is because of God’s mercy, He is the giver and the sustainer of life. It is my assigned duty; to live my Life the way Jesus Christ would want me to live. To make a difference, by setting a godly example to others. With God’s help I WILL!!!! We all can, with the help of the Lord!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Florida 2009

Our time in Florida, was really
We had a good time together as a Family.
Praise God!!

Here we are, at busch gardens

We went on this! it was a lot of fun!!

My Dad's favorite ride!! jk
The little one's wanted us to go on a ride with them, so we did!!
it was fun!!!

Sarah :)

Lem, was in his glory!

All tuckered out from a hard day's work,

OK, We started to get a little chubby,
So we had to go on a serious diet before coming home! :)

we had fun standing, in front of this mirror,
it was weird.

Walking through Downtown Disney! Woo hoo!!!

They had a brass band playing, that day.
it was pretty good!

GO Sarah!!

Did lots of swimming!!


Taking a little nap. :)


Well that's all for now.
I'll be posting again soon, because someone tagged me!
That will be my next post. SO goodbye for now.
God bless all of you! :)

Animal's, At busch gardens! zoo

We saw, a bunch of Dumbo's.

here's the brother!

Awww... Cute!

King Louie.

starring shamu's,
This was a really neat show!!

I really hate these things, but they are apart of Florida!
SO here you go.

Mighty Joe young! :)

This Tiger was amazingly pretty!
the photo does not do it justice.
It's so nice to be able to enjoy, God's creation!
You look at these creatures, and know that only!! God could
create such wonders.